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Book - Manners Method - DeRose 24th Ed.

Book - Manners Method - DeRose 24th Ed.

SKU: LV006
  • Book - Manners Method - DeRose - 24th Edition

    Humorous collection of tips on politically correct etiquette and no salamaleques.

    Most of the rules of conduct arose from practical reasons. If you can discover the vein of human consideration, you will also have discovered the origin of all formulas on the label. It all comes down to a matter of education.

    Good manners are ways of acting in the company of other people so as not to invade their space, not embarrass them and make everyone feel comfortable in your company. Therefore, good manners are a matter of common sense.

    The best thing about this book is that reading it will be fun and illustrative. So, let's enjoy!

    Author: DeRose

    24th Edition

    Format: 16x23

    223 pages

    Egregora Editorial Seal

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